Friday, September 9, 2011

If I Could Give a Gift to the World...

A truth that has been glaringly pointed out to me by the universe lately is that you cannot stop hate with hate.   Last night, I realized how amazing yet, simple of a point this is as I tried to explain it to my 6 year old.  
It is a fact that fighting fire with fire can only create more of that same pain for you and for anyone you interact with.

Think of your life and all the experiences you have had.   Now, look back and see if you can find an example where you fought back and it actually extinguished the problem or the original pain.   I have tried this and I can't find one single example.   Every time I have reacted to my fear with retaliation, the situation has ALWAYS become worse.  

I want to say that I accept the world just as it is.   I want to accept it especially because when I don't, I hurt.   When I focus on the pain of it all, I actually see a vision of the world that is most likely a lot worse that it really is.   

However, I can't lie....If I could give one single gift to every person in the world, it would be the understanding and knowledge that you can NOT stop something "negative" from happening by pointing it out, complaining about it, condemning it, or PUSHING against it.  Every bit of negative energy we put into something that we see and don't like actually makes it stronger.   

So, what do we do then?   What do we do when we see something that is the OPPOSITE of what we want?
LOVE it.   Choose to LOVE it.   

You don't even have to go into your heart and choose love because it is the "right" thing to do.  Go there because it feels good.  Go there because it is the real you.  The true you is the one that forgives, understands, sees the big picture, loves the unlovable.  Not for their sake, but for YOURS.   

And finally, choose love because it is the ONLY thing that can diffuse the pain anyway!  Love is the only thing that works and it is the only thing that has any power to change something.  

Because I believe that every bit of pain we feel or conflict we see is actually a projection of ourselves, this gift that I want to give to the world...well, it is really the picture I hold for me. That I may see each and every thing with love...that I can see it in all that I interact with.

Love and light to you all... 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The "Unstoppable" Negative Thought

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”   ~Willie Nelson

Photo Credit:

Did you know that you can NOT stop negative thoughts?  There is no way to do it.  In fact, have you noticed the more focus you put on stopping them, the more of them you get?  Kind of a vicious cycle...:)

So, what is the trick?  REPLACE them.  Just deliberately replace them with thoughts filled with relief.  You don't even have to be positive if that is too far from where you currently are.  Just talk yourself into a better place than the place you were before.

Think about this for a second.   If you are cold, you don't try to figure out how to get the cold off of you or out of your body.   You grab a blanket, you make yourself a hot drink, you turn up the thermostat...


It is the exact same thing with your thoughts.   How empowering is that?!?

Something even cooler?  It doesn't take but a minute (literally) to get you moving in the other direction.  You can turn ANYTHING around in your head.   The "warmth" you are purposefully adding to your thoughts is SO much more powerful than what you are replacing.  

Try it!  

COMMENT below on your experiences with this.

Let's call them your "blanket stories"!  

I would love to know how it has worked for you!