Friday, November 29, 2013

Choose Your Mood

I started to watch a famous drama series a while back.   It was truly amazing.   The story line, the plot, the acting...all riveting to watch.   There was one issue though.  I felt heavy and sad when I was done watching the first season.   There was something so exciting about it and I can't lie, I was drawn to it.  

However, in the end, I felt worse after watching it.   It was such a conundrum.   Everyone was talking about it...and saying how amazing it was and how it got even better as the seasons went on.   Again, I was drawn to keep watching...but I didn't.   I stopped.   I completely abandoned it.  

Seems simple enough...but I found myself trying to explain it the other day to my class of call center new hires and had a hard time coming up with a reason of why on earth I wouldn't keep watching a show that I clearly could say was amazingly produced, written and acted.  

And finally, it came to me what the real reason was:   I was being "protective" of my mood.  

It was the same reason that I stopped watching the news more than 10 years ago.   I learned that it was my choice to CHOOSE how I felt.   I was the only one accountable for it.    There was no one else who was going to care for my state of mind as well as I could.    I was the creator of my demeanor and that meant that I got to be "picky, picky, picky about how I felt" as Abraham-Hicks would put it.  

When it all goes south and everything in my world has turned upside down, knowing that I am the creator of my reality is the long-lasting peaceful thought that keeps me balanced and safe.  

So, I choose....every day how I want to feel.   And sometimes that means:

-Being specific about the music I put in my ears
-Walking away from conversations that leave me empty
-Watching TV shows and movies that uplift me
-Hiding posts on social media that portray the world in a negative way

And while this helps tremendously, it can also be run by fear.   The type of "choosing how you want to feel" that I am talking about doesn't mean you run away from everything that makes you feel bad. There is a huge difference between running away in a powerless state and choosing OUT of something because you know that it doesn't make you shine as bright as your soul truly is.  

Both may look like stepping away but one is done out of fear and the other is done out of love and non-judgement.    It is looking at someone or something that is headed a different direction than you want to go and saying...."I honor your path, however, it is not my own and I send you love as I walk away."

The empowerment I have felt in that space is almost indescribable.   In fact, the more you choose love and choose to honor their path minus the judgement....the more you see that you don't have to walk away at all.   Those things that are of a lower vibration will fall away on their own or even change to join you at a more joyous level.  

The truth is...we control our entire reality.    If we send positive thoughts out, take positive thoughts in and all the while, realize that none of it means anything about our worth (as our worth is non-negotiable...more to come on that ;)...there is no need to CONTROL anything.  

It all just falls beautifully into place.   Everything we experience is a match of our current vibration and energy we are holding.   EVERYTHING.    So, there are no need for need for controls. Just choose how you want to feel and focus on that feeling of love, peace, and joy and the rest will follow.  

Every.  Single.  Beautifully orchestrated. Time.  

Much love to all,

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Follow the call...NOW.

Well hello blog!
Hello to you reading...and hello to me, the version of "me" that exists today, that is.

I have been hearing a whisper, well...kind of a yell at this point, that I should begin again.   Begin sharing my thoughts and my message.    Even just for my own joy and hopefully, to help a few along the way.

So, I started thinking of what to re-name this blog.    I felt like there could be a new name for it.  A new name to encompass all that I am, all that I want to share.    In fact, I still think there is.   But I haven't fallen upon it, YET.  

Truth?   It's been weeks trying to find the "perfect" name for it.   Weeks and weeks, I have been thinking it over, searching for the perfect name, and putting off actually just writing something...setting aside that call to start sharing again.

In my mind, the name would need to be something that would stir souls.  Something that would call out to those who were searching for my message.   Something that would really encapsulate who I am.  

And then, this morning,  I realized one of my favorite lessons.    A lesson that has been showing up, synchronistically enough, throughout this week.   And that lesson is simply...It doesn't have to be perfect, just follow your bliss, NOW.   or even better said....It already IS perfect and your only job is to share your soul...for you. Serve you and that which you are...and the rest always follows.   

How often do we WAIT to show up with who we are until all the conditions are perfect?  

Okay, I just need to make sure that 't' is crossed and that 'i' is dotted and THEN I will show you my full, authentic self.   THEN, I will listen to the call of my soul.  I thought back and can see so many places where this comes into play for me....

  • Once I get my daily routine in place, then I will start working out.
  • Once I have a little more time, I will start to work on those scrapbooks.   (ugg..that one stings a bit to share)
  • Once I have a bit more money and can buy the perfect food for me, then I will start to eat better.
  • Let me just finish all my house tidying up and then I will sit down and relax.

And the list could get longer and wider and bigger....but I don't think I sat down to write to give myself guilt.   In fact, just the opposite!   To feel joy...that is why I am doing this.     That is what my purpose is.   To create and to feel joy.   That feels good just writing that!

It is joyous for me to write and share what my heart wants to say.   I love it.   It flows out of me most days.   I feel like I have pages and pages to write and there would still be more.   (possible hint..:)   It becomes so easy when you choose your daily actions based on if they will make you feel good!  

So, there it is.   That is what my soul came here to say....oh, and that I love you.