Monday, July 12, 2010

The best pink marshmallows ever...

I first heard of the Laws of Attraction through a way most people probably have heard of it..."The Secret". I have always believed in it but have really come to understand more of the fundamentals of it lately through listening and reading some of the first and respected authors of the subject, Esther and Jerry Hicks and The Teachings of Abraham.
With that said, I have also manifested many things in my life ...probably more than I even realize since truly EVERYTHING is a manifestation.
Tonight though, a very cool one happened. I have been deep into Abraham's teachings lately and listened to her interview with Oprah last night. While I have applied LOA on many of my "big" wishes in my life, she had mentioned that no matter how long you have been manifesting or working consciously with LOA that you should test it and even have some fun with intending something small. So, I thought I would try that. Mine was PINK MARSHMALLOWS. It was the first thing that came to my mind. i started to think about them off and on that night. In fact, I thought maybe my husband might come home with some from his fishing trip. (that was me trying to get too into the details.) So, I was giving my 5 year old daughter a bath and I asked her if she wanted to think of something yummy! She, of course, said yes and so I asked her to close her eyes and start thinking about pink marshmallows. They happen to be on her list of good things to eat...imagine that. I asked her what they tasted like, what they felt like, what they looked like, etc. She went through how they tasted like raspberries and strawberries and how they felt like pillows and how they were the little, bitty ones. She was really into it. It took us about 5 minutes total. We got out of the bath and didn't really think about it.
This evening, our family went up to some childbirth classes as I am about 2 months away from delivering. My daughter went into the "sibling" class and my husband and I went into the childbirth refresher. Lo and behold, when my daughter comes out of her class, she has a big bag of goodies. She asked if she could have something out of the bag. (Her teacher had told her to be sure to ask) I said yes but only one thing for now. She pulled out a bag of pink strawberry mini marshmallows! We were actually on the tour of the hospital where we are going to deliver at the time and I lost all concentration on the tour at that point. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear! I reminded her of what we talked about and she thought it was cool for a minute but I was the one who couldn't believe my eyes.
To date, that has got to be the most specific example of manifestation I have ever seen. It was just beautiful.
The real story is how it made me remember the simplest way to manifesting everything you want. It is not about believing, it is just about seeing it...really seeing it and putting yourself in the moment of having it with no other thoughts or doubts. My daughter didn't think she was going to get pink marshmallows nor did she think she wasn't, she was just thinking about that new story of pink marshmallows and being completely happy with the thought and imagination of them. She enjoyed every minute in the tub IMAGINING those treats just as MUCH (if not more) than the real thing!
Sit and think about that one...that is what it is all about. Loving my life and all that thought has brought to me.


  1. Erin, I came across your blog from FB, I am an acquaintance of Marissa Vargason..I actually just watched "The Secret" about a month ago and I have been practicing the "little things" as well and I LOVE your little story!! It really is mindblowing, the things we can manifest in our lives with a little bit of belief and imagination..I look forward to reading your blog more often:)

  2. Thanks Ashley for your comment! That is so exciting that you are loving your manifesting! I always love to hear about people enjoying their journey with LOA!
    Just an FYI...There are some really great books out there that give a lot more in-depth information on Laws of Attraction past The Secret too. Please let me know if you are interested and I can give you some more info. :)
    Take care and happy manifesting!
    Love and light to you!


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