Friday, August 20, 2010

Give a Rip About How You Feel!

What is reality anyway? We tend to pay way too much attention to "reality" when it is as temporary as the thought that created it. We talk so much about our feelings and how bad things feel. I believe that when we really, truly care about how WE actually FEEL inside, we choose to feel good!
When we care about ourselves and how we feel, we CHOOSE to focus on what we want NOT what we don't want. We PURPOSEFULLY look away from the so-called misery--this painful thing that we have been giving way too much attention to. We focus on what could be and what we would like and that makes all the difference.
It's one more way to say that our happiness is not determined by any situation or person or event, it is 1000% determined by our thoughts and our focus.

It is almost scary how truly EASY it is to be happy when you are determined to be.

This is a great Abraham excerpt in the video link below that really captures this thought process and even more. I am always inspired by these!

In love and light,

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