Monday, December 2, 2013

Miracles Defined

Your outer reality is always, alwaaaays based on how you feel.   Not on what you want or what you think necessarily...but how you feel.   Your feelings come directly from what you believe.  

Once you change your beliefs (that are ego-based) to reflect the pure love that your soul is - your outer world will immediately start to reflect the changes.   It is truly magical and yet, so logical.  

Just think about it for a moment.    Take any seemingly negative situation in your life (starting with a small one is usually the easiest :) and look at how you FEEL about it.  Then, take another moment and compare that to your results.   They usually match right up.    If you feel anger and frustration, you usually have results that cause more anger and frustration.  

If there IS anything less than love in that particular situation, I want you to try this experiment:  
FIND the love in the situation
FIND the gift that all of this may be
FIND a way to ease up the resentment or pain (even if only for a moment)
FIND a way to see it from a different point of view
(you don't even have to like it...:)...Just do it to ease up the resistance on your heart if only for a moment)
And then WATCH your results change....

"A miracle is the breakthrough that occurs when we shift our perception of a situation."  
~Marianne Williamson and The A Course In Miracles

Create a miracle today.    Just give it a fair shot.  
Changing your mind and your perception even the tiniest bit can literally change your whole world.  

Many miracles to you all...

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