Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Magic of Action

I have been an ACTION MACHINE this last month.   No, seriously.  
Each day I create a to-do list and complete every last item...and it has been truly magical.  
(I learned how when I did the   Totally free program btw..:)

Why?   Because the Universe LOVES action.   It loves momentum.  
When you take action toward anything...but especially towards your dreams, it is exactly like telling the Universe, "THIS is what I want."
And guess what the Universe does.   It says, "OH!   Got it!   Let me help...tremendously!"  

One of my to-do's is moving my past blog posts from my old blog site to my new website.  (to be released soon!) 

As I was reading through my old entries, I realized that the information I had written about were things I had thought were actually more recent "ah-ha's" for me.  
But they weren't.
It was 2 and 3 years ago when I had wrote these morsels of wisdom.    


After a bit of pondering, I came to the following conclusions about how in the world I had "known" all these amazing and powerful bits of knowledge, WROTE about them and yet, had not reeeeallly seen them come into play into my life until just recently....

Conclusion #1:    Nothing becomes real for you without action.    It is that simple.   You can know what every book in the entire world says in it.   You can know every philosophy, every fact, every PERFECT way to live your life....and UNTIL you take steps forward in those specific directions....

 Action is where the magic happens!   

Conclusion #2:   Wisdom doesn't leave you.  It is there, constant...there is no change in it.   When you connect to that which you are, your soul.   All the wisdom in the world is right there at your fingertips.
There is really no searching.   When you quiet your mind and you listen to the truth of who you are.    The truth will come pouring out.  The truth cannot be stopped, forgotten, erased.   It is there...always.     

Finding this out from my old blog posts was an amazing realization.   
However, the most wonderful feeling comes when you DO take the action and then you get to sit back and be surprised (although, not totally) at what the Universe brings to you.    

Example:   I am revamping and restarting my coaching business.   One of my goals is to start doing more key note speaking.   So, I started taking action toward it.   Action like I KNEW it was already going to happen.   I started formatting my presentations, brainstorming new ones and editing old ones.   I started imagining what it would feel like to be in front inspiring once again. All of that was just plain joyful.   I didn't do it in the name of hoping that I would find a speaking gig.   I did it because it is so full of bliss and I loved it.    
It wasn't a week later when I was speaking to a dear friend and she was talking about a banquet they were putting on.   She paused and said...."I don't know why I didn't think of this before but would you be our keynote speaker?"

And there it was.    

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