Saturday, May 14, 2011

By all means, paint.

I love it when you get centered on what you want and the universe just delivers like there is no tomorrow. really is that easy.
Photo Credit:

A day or two ago, I read a blog post on Tiny Buddha by Cat Li Stevenson called "How to Let Go of Fear to Live Passionately and Authentically."  It gave a Gay Hendricks exercise that asks you to look at what 4 or 5 things do you truly want to say you accomplished as you lay on your deathbed.  I really took this serious as I could instantly see what a great way it was to do some awesome visualization for what you want.  A cardinal rule of creating your life deliberately is to visualize how you want things to be and ignore how they feel today in reality.  

So, I wrote quite a few things about what I wanted to be proud of.  The crucial component of this exercise is that it evoked so much feeling from me.  I could really see myself wanting to say I lived a life like this.   That I really did it...that I lived my life the way I wanted to.   My words were dripping with emotion and I felt SO high and happy after I did it, which is always an indication of aligning with who you really are.  I really did know what I wanted for my life.  Wow!

Now, this is the power of seeing your life as you want it...i.e. visualizing.  Within a couple of days, I have been utterly bombarded with the same message, same lesson, same answer basically from the universe.   It couldn't get any clearer...if I want to know how to get what I want, I need to just START.   Start now, stop waiting, stop planning, just start.   Begin...NOW.   Stop worrying about if I have done enough planning.  Stop worrying about it I have enough talent.  Stop telling myself that I might need more classes or schooling or money.  Stop worrying about old beliefs, stop reading more books on the subject, stop making schedules, stop writing lists of what I am going to do.  I have all the knowledge I need to have exactly what I want.  There is nothing stopping me.  STOP PLANNING MY LIFE and START TO LIVE IT.

Now, there is no mistaking what was said to me.  It was in every conversation I had.  EVERY one of them.   It was in every blog post or article I read.   ALL of them.  It was written all over everything.  I loved it.  I kept getting more and more information...and it just kept repeating the message I was supposed to (and did thankfully) hear.

One of the best quotes I "stumbled" upon was this...
“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” ~ Vincent van Gogh

That hit me like a ton of bricks.   It is that simple.  Just do it!  Be the person you want to be.  Look any fear you have in the face and tell it (as my Grandma would say) to "Go eat dirt!"   There is nothing to fear but fear itself.   There is another good one!  Ha!

I feel invigorated.  I feel like something has clicked.  No more prep.  I am just going to live.   MAN, that feels great!!!!

Perfect video from "Newsies" that seems to sum it up nicely.
PS...I had a MAD crush on "Jack" back in the day.   Good lolly, he is just pretty!


  1. Erin, I really needed this post today, I'm so off lately and everything seems to be falling in on me. Time to get refocused on what I want!!!

  2. Hi Ashley!
    So glad it spoke to you. Sending you love and light!


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