Saturday, May 21, 2011

Be The Change...

Close your eyes for a moment.   Look at the people in your life that might be frustrating you right now.

How do you see them?
How do you see your nagging children that won't let you have a moment's peace?
How do you see that friend that you thought was there for you and hasn't been lately?
How do you see that neighbor that won't mow their lawn and their lovely dandelion seeds are floating over to your lawn each day?
How do you see your significant other that maybe didn't give you the attention you thought you were needing?
How do you see the lady at the grocery store that runs up and cuts in front of you to be first in line?

So, let's try this.   Look at the situation and those people once again but this time, just for a minute, try to get a glimpse of them as your inner self might see them.

How would you look at the "mistakes" they might make if you could only see them with love?  
How do they look when you take YOU or your own want for approval, love and respect out of the equation?
What might have been their motive?  Is there something going on in their life too?  Were they thinking of themselves (much like you)?

When we stop for a moment to put on a different pair of glasses to see the world, we end up seeing a different picture.   I am not saying that you have to condone anything.   But think for a minute what you are accomplishing by being frustrated or angry at these aggravations.   Not much, right?  Well, besides getting to feel lousy!

Let's look again at those frustrating situations...
Maybe you might see your children as truly loving the time they spend with you and possibly needing some guidance from you.
You might see that friend going through a particularly difficult time as well and possibly staying back because they just don't feel like they could be the friend that they wanted to be to you.
You might get a glimpse of the neighbor who is so frustrated with his job and bills that mowing his lawn might be the last thing he could think of or get motivated to do.
And there is your significant other who is needing love as much as you need it at the moment and just innocently missed your signal.
And that famous lady at the grocery store.   If you watch, she might run out to her car where her ill child is waiting for her and the medicine/food she ran in to get "real quick".

In my experience, there are always two sides to each story and if you start to purposely look for the good and start to deliberately focus those that "hurt" you in the most beautiful light possible, a change will come.   Your heart will heal and you would be surprised what might happen in theirs as well.

You must be the change that you want to see in the world.
~Mohandas Gandhi

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