Law of Attraction states that there is NOTHING more important than how you feel. How you feel is what you will attract. It is as simple as that. You can say all the "right" words and set all the "right" intentions but if your beliefs and feelings do not match those intentions, you will end up short.
With that said, sometimes all you need is a little boost...a little boost to zap your negative energy. I had a wonderful day today. Nothing special either...just a great day. This video topped it all of and made me laugh harder than I have in a bit.
You started in this world as a ball of love.
Nothing has changed (seriously...:)
Your soul is that same ball of love - full of pure, non-negotiable worth & utter beauty.
That feeling of love and freedom you long for is just cloaked in a few false beliefs that you picked up along your life's path.
My joy & passion comes from helping fellow souls remember who they are, clear away those beliefs for good and create a...VISIBLE SOUL.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
So...a blog for now
Some of you may remember my actual website "Always Challenge Unhappiness". It exists in template form but I let the domain name and housing run out and didn't renew. At the time, I thought I had dropped the ball but I am glad as it needs a new face to it anyway.
I have made leaps and bounds since opening up myself to other ways of coaching as well as including other healing modalities into my practice including Reiki and EFT.
So, stay tuned for more information on my business and what I will offer. I am excited as my job as a practioner expands to what I have learned about myself...the ways I have healed my inner self are going to be what I offer to others. It doesn't get more beautiful than that, I think.
Oh, and I will still be writing my thoughts and musings here as well. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts as well...
In love and light.
I have made leaps and bounds since opening up myself to other ways of coaching as well as including other healing modalities into my practice including Reiki and EFT.
So, stay tuned for more information on my business and what I will offer. I am excited as my job as a practioner expands to what I have learned about myself...the ways I have healed my inner self are going to be what I offer to others. It doesn't get more beautiful than that, I think.
Oh, and I will still be writing my thoughts and musings here as well. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts as well...
In love and light.
True Freedom in Relationships (Originally posted 2/20/09)
“True freedom is having no choice: being so clear on your purpose, so committed to your quest, there is no choice but to propel forward regardless of what may appear to be.”
--James Arthur Ray
Recently, I have had to reach back and think of past experiences where I pushed through difficult times and found success. This was tougher than I thought but I did find some instances where I beat the odds and came out triumphant. However, several of those times, my success was found only because I thought I had no other choice but to be tough. When I think of those times, it almost felt easy to be real, to be strong. People have perceived me as unbreakable in those times. But in my mind, I didn’t have any other option.
MY QUESTION--What happens when you do think you DO have another choice? What happens when instead of pushing through a difficult situation, you believe that you can just choose another option? MY ANSWER--Commitment. Your focus to a purpose must be strong, even “unbreakable.” What an amazing difference it is to view your fears as something that you can’t and WON’T run away from. More often than not, we choose the infamous “flight” syndrome when faced with a difficult problem. This is because it FEELS easier to opt out, to hit the door running. I wonder what we are really running from. When I have played the escape artist to my fears, they have always come back (even stronger usually) to catch me again.
Our running can take shape in a myriad of forms. My personal favorite is blame. When it feels as though someone else is causing your distress, the choice to “run” seems almost logical. Why would you choose to commit to any kind of relationship if they keep making it difficult? There are your exceptions to the rule which include those toxic and abusive (physical and emotional) individuals who are in too dark of a place to ever fully commit themselves to a relationship.
However, in most basic relationships, your choice in “toughing it out” comes when you try to decipher why it is indeed, so difficult. My belief is it is because they are triggering some insecurity in you. I am a firm believer that any anger or frustration you feel usually is derived from fear. The next time you are angry at someone, ask yourself where the anger comes from. If you dig deep enough, it ALWAYS comes back to you.
One of my personal examples is when I get frustrated at my daughter for moving so slow in the morning. As a three year old, I can see why everything is so interesting to her and why she isn’t that focused when we are trying to get ready in the morning. However, I still get frustrated. When I started to look at that, it isn’t her that I am frustrated with, it is my own insecurities. They include being late to work, guilt for staying up so late the night before and sleeping in, guilt of rushing her, guilt of not being a stay-at-home mom, fear that I won’t have enough time to complete tasks that I need to before we leave, and the list goes…
My point in all of this is that true commitment to a relationship comes from your own confidence. It is not based on what the other person does or does not do. It is not based on their shortcomings or frustrating characteristics. It is based on what fears they trigger in you and whether or not you choose to face them. It is amazing how smoothly a relationship can flow when you believe or CHOOSE to believe that there is no way out. A better way of saying that might be when you choose to see, accept and love, and face the fears within yourself. Everything just falls into place after that. Your reality is what is in your head. It exists nowhere else. Tru
--James Arthur Ray
Recently, I have had to reach back and think of past experiences where I pushed through difficult times and found success. This was tougher than I thought but I did find some instances where I beat the odds and came out triumphant. However, several of those times, my success was found only because I thought I had no other choice but to be tough. When I think of those times, it almost felt easy to be real, to be strong. People have perceived me as unbreakable in those times. But in my mind, I didn’t have any other option.
MY QUESTION--What happens when you do think you DO have another choice? What happens when instead of pushing through a difficult situation, you believe that you can just choose another option? MY ANSWER--Commitment. Your focus to a purpose must be strong, even “unbreakable.” What an amazing difference it is to view your fears as something that you can’t and WON’T run away from. More often than not, we choose the infamous “flight” syndrome when faced with a difficult problem. This is because it FEELS easier to opt out, to hit the door running. I wonder what we are really running from. When I have played the escape artist to my fears, they have always come back (even stronger usually) to catch me again.
Our running can take shape in a myriad of forms. My personal favorite is blame. When it feels as though someone else is causing your distress, the choice to “run” seems almost logical. Why would you choose to commit to any kind of relationship if they keep making it difficult? There are your exceptions to the rule which include those toxic and abusive (physical and emotional) individuals who are in too dark of a place to ever fully commit themselves to a relationship.
However, in most basic relationships, your choice in “toughing it out” comes when you try to decipher why it is indeed, so difficult. My belief is it is because they are triggering some insecurity in you. I am a firm believer that any anger or frustration you feel usually is derived from fear. The next time you are angry at someone, ask yourself where the anger comes from. If you dig deep enough, it ALWAYS comes back to you.
One of my personal examples is when I get frustrated at my daughter for moving so slow in the morning. As a three year old, I can see why everything is so interesting to her and why she isn’t that focused when we are trying to get ready in the morning. However, I still get frustrated. When I started to look at that, it isn’t her that I am frustrated with, it is my own insecurities. They include being late to work, guilt for staying up so late the night before and sleeping in, guilt of rushing her, guilt of not being a stay-at-home mom, fear that I won’t have enough time to complete tasks that I need to before we leave, and the list goes…
My point in all of this is that true commitment to a relationship comes from your own confidence. It is not based on what the other person does or does not do. It is not based on their shortcomings or frustrating characteristics. It is based on what fears they trigger in you and whether or not you choose to face them. It is amazing how smoothly a relationship can flow when you believe or CHOOSE to believe that there is no way out. A better way of saying that might be when you choose to see, accept and love, and face the fears within yourself. Everything just falls into place after that. Your reality is what is in your head. It exists nowhere else. Tru
Habit Making (Originally posted on 2/19/09)
As I have stepped from book to book, class to class on my journey to enlightenment, one of my greatest ah-ha moments was when I thought about stopping the self-development freight train all together. (Thank goodness I didn’t!) I was famous for taking my problem, whatever it may be, chewing on it, searching endlessly on the internet for any and all answers/books/advice and then devouring what I could find. Once I knew what I thought I should know, I would share it with the world and then move on to something else. It was like a fix for me. I would get so passionate about the book I was reading (this hasn’t changed) and then share with everyone how much I had learned and how THIS book was going to fix my problem!
When I realized that this was becoming a bit of a cycle for me, I thought maybe I should lay off the self help stuff for a while. I thought that I should just stop and see what happens. So, I did--for a bit. And I found I was just as unhappy and missing my “fix”.
However, the answer finally came to me. I decided that I will always read, search, research, and reflect on all that I read and find. That is just who I am. I enjoy getting passionate about finding out things about myself and others. It ABSOLUTELY fascinates me—always has. The difference now, is that I know I have gathered enough information and released enough fear (this is the important part) to start applying it.. This time, for real, not just trying it for a few days, talking about it to a few people and then moving on. It was time to take what I know to be true and begin building it directly into my life--day by day--habit by habit. It is said that the most successful of positive thinkers and law of attraction experts must create positive habits in their life. You can be inspired to no end, but without application, your learning is temporary.
Here are some things I am currently building into my life:
Reiki Affirmation statements Exercise Gratitude Accomplishments Goal Setting Writing Meditation Vision Board/Movie Focus Positive Thinking Releasing Negative thoughts Eating properly
These are all items I have chosen to build into my life. One of the habits I have adopted over the years is negative thinking. In fact, negative thinking doesn’t even have to make it on my list of “to-do’s”. I had become so good at it that it just seemed to make it into my daily habits. So, my thought was if my thoughts were habitually negative, then I create positive habits just as easy. I just have to re-train myself the same way that I built the negative habits.
Another truth--I already have the good in me. It already exists. In one of my favorite books…”When Love Meets Fear” by David Richo, he says...”Our personality is made up of a combination of opposites. Our challenge is to create syntheses, order from chaos, unity from diversity. If there is fear in us, there MUST be fearlessness too! If there is violence, there is non-violence. If there is grudge and vengeance, there is compassion and forgiveness. EVERY characteristic has an opposing side, potentially accessible.”
To add to that, you can’t really “stop” doing any of these “dark” habits you have built. I am not a believer in will power. It only lasts so long and then you come back to what your beliefs are or what you know. All of your beliefs come from past experiences and knowledge.
So, there are two things you can do; RELEASE the old mental aspect of the bad habit and FEED the positive one. Bob Proctor, a well-known expert on the laws of attraction said that you can’t do anything about the cold. If your house is cold and you can’t seem to get warm--you can’t stop the cold. You can’t stomp it out, push it out the door--it is just there. So, what can you do? You TURN UP THE HEAT and bring on the warmth (i.e. positive habits)! Grab a blanket , grab a sweater, snuggle! You can’t stop the cold or the negative behavior. You can only replace the negative with the positive!
Okay, with that said. Here is some tips that I have researched and tried when trying to build new and positive habits.
• The age old--Try it for 21 days! That is the general rule of how long it takes to form a habit.
• You must replace an old habit with a new one. Let something go that is not working. Do not just keep adding new habits.
• Start small, start slow. You will see your success quicker and be able to add more. After all, when you build a fire, you want to start with kindling or you might singe your eyebrows!
• Give yourself a time frame and then re-evaluate if you even LIKE the new habit! A big mistake people make is setting yourself up in a no-way-out scenario. Tell yourself it’s an experiment, just try it out! Say to yourself; “I am gonna do this for 30 days and see what I think.” If it isn’t something you like--stop doing it.
• Laugh when it gets hard! This is the best way to keep yourself on track and keep the joy wrapped around it. Keep it light! MAKE IT FUN!
• Push yourself a little. Don’t berate yourself as that may de-motivate and make you quit altogether. But pep yourself up! Every time you push yourself and succeed, you build more confidence!
• Write it down. REPEAT--Write it down. It has been proven that a great and larger percentage of people that write down their goals and put dates by them, achieve them.
• Visualize the habit (even if you haven’t started doing it yet). This will make it happen faster.
• Write down your reasoning of why you want to change. This is very motivating. Note: When writing it down, keep it positive. Write down why doing this habit will BENEFIT your life. Keep the “I want to exercise because I am ugly” stuff out of it.
Overall, just start with something--anything. You are always growing and always moving into a new realm of consciousness. Every time you read something new and do something different, you are changing! There is NO way you can possibly be the same as you were yesterday. Celebrate that! You have already changed…
When I realized that this was becoming a bit of a cycle for me, I thought maybe I should lay off the self help stuff for a while. I thought that I should just stop and see what happens. So, I did--for a bit. And I found I was just as unhappy and missing my “fix”.
However, the answer finally came to me. I decided that I will always read, search, research, and reflect on all that I read and find. That is just who I am. I enjoy getting passionate about finding out things about myself and others. It ABSOLUTELY fascinates me—always has. The difference now, is that I know I have gathered enough information and released enough fear (this is the important part) to start applying it.. This time, for real, not just trying it for a few days, talking about it to a few people and then moving on. It was time to take what I know to be true and begin building it directly into my life--day by day--habit by habit. It is said that the most successful of positive thinkers and law of attraction experts must create positive habits in their life. You can be inspired to no end, but without application, your learning is temporary.
Here are some things I am currently building into my life:
Reiki Affirmation statements Exercise Gratitude Accomplishments Goal Setting Writing Meditation Vision Board/Movie Focus Positive Thinking Releasing Negative thoughts Eating properly
These are all items I have chosen to build into my life. One of the habits I have adopted over the years is negative thinking. In fact, negative thinking doesn’t even have to make it on my list of “to-do’s”. I had become so good at it that it just seemed to make it into my daily habits. So, my thought was if my thoughts were habitually negative, then I create positive habits just as easy. I just have to re-train myself the same way that I built the negative habits.
Another truth--I already have the good in me. It already exists. In one of my favorite books…”When Love Meets Fear” by David Richo, he says...”Our personality is made up of a combination of opposites. Our challenge is to create syntheses, order from chaos, unity from diversity. If there is fear in us, there MUST be fearlessness too! If there is violence, there is non-violence. If there is grudge and vengeance, there is compassion and forgiveness. EVERY characteristic has an opposing side, potentially accessible.”
To add to that, you can’t really “stop” doing any of these “dark” habits you have built. I am not a believer in will power. It only lasts so long and then you come back to what your beliefs are or what you know. All of your beliefs come from past experiences and knowledge.
So, there are two things you can do; RELEASE the old mental aspect of the bad habit and FEED the positive one. Bob Proctor, a well-known expert on the laws of attraction said that you can’t do anything about the cold. If your house is cold and you can’t seem to get warm--you can’t stop the cold. You can’t stomp it out, push it out the door--it is just there. So, what can you do? You TURN UP THE HEAT and bring on the warmth (i.e. positive habits)! Grab a blanket , grab a sweater, snuggle! You can’t stop the cold or the negative behavior. You can only replace the negative with the positive!
Okay, with that said. Here is some tips that I have researched and tried when trying to build new and positive habits.
• The age old--Try it for 21 days! That is the general rule of how long it takes to form a habit.
• You must replace an old habit with a new one. Let something go that is not working. Do not just keep adding new habits.
• Start small, start slow. You will see your success quicker and be able to add more. After all, when you build a fire, you want to start with kindling or you might singe your eyebrows!
• Give yourself a time frame and then re-evaluate if you even LIKE the new habit! A big mistake people make is setting yourself up in a no-way-out scenario. Tell yourself it’s an experiment, just try it out! Say to yourself; “I am gonna do this for 30 days and see what I think.” If it isn’t something you like--stop doing it.
• Laugh when it gets hard! This is the best way to keep yourself on track and keep the joy wrapped around it. Keep it light! MAKE IT FUN!
• Push yourself a little. Don’t berate yourself as that may de-motivate and make you quit altogether. But pep yourself up! Every time you push yourself and succeed, you build more confidence!
• Write it down. REPEAT--Write it down. It has been proven that a great and larger percentage of people that write down their goals and put dates by them, achieve them.
• Visualize the habit (even if you haven’t started doing it yet). This will make it happen faster.
• Write down your reasoning of why you want to change. This is very motivating. Note: When writing it down, keep it positive. Write down why doing this habit will BENEFIT your life. Keep the “I want to exercise because I am ugly” stuff out of it.
Overall, just start with something--anything. You are always growing and always moving into a new realm of consciousness. Every time you read something new and do something different, you are changing! There is NO way you can possibly be the same as you were yesterday. Celebrate that! You have already changed…
Intuition vs. Fear (Orginally posted on 2/19/09)
The most recent topic that I have been pondering is the theory of intuition. People can call it many things. Some call it a "gut feeling", a "sixth sense", "the holy ghost", "the still small voice", or even just instinct. I talk about the definition of intuition because I think it has many different labels for different people and however you believe, it still seems to have the same characteristics.
The main thing that I have been wondering about it how much you can trust your intuition when there is fear involved. I have had several conversations and researched this and what I have come to find out is that most believe that fear and intuition are two separate things.
True intuition comes from a place of peace. There is no emotion wrapped up in the initial thought. Afterward--maybe. But in the moment, it is a thought that hits you (sometimes out of nowhere) and has no real logic to it. You can't really say where it came from and you aren't wrapped up in its outcome. You just have a feeling. That is it.
A good example I heard from a friend was about the time he broke his neck. He loved to go tubing and was what you might call an "avid" snow sledder. In fact, he often went with his friends tubing and such and loved it. One afternoon his friends asked him to go and as soon as the question was asked, he thought he shouldn't go. No reason to it, just instantly felt that way. But he didn't want to tell them no, so he agreed. Later on, he met his girlfriend for lunch and she mentioned to him that she didn't think he should go. She had no reason either, just thought he shouldn't. He ignored both intuitions and decided to go anyway. Even when he got there, he decided to just watch and not participate. He even had envisioned going down the hill on a tube and crashing into a snow bank head first. He thought that vision was silly but still hadn't gone down the hill. Finally, at the end of their time there, one of his friends talked him to going just once before he went home so his trip wasn't a waste. He conceded and decided to do just one trip. You guessed it...he went head first into a snow bank and broke his neck.
Now, he healed from that trip and is fine today but I believe that is a story of true intuition. He had absolutely no reason or no emotion wrapped up in not going. He wasn't mad at the friends that were inviting him. He didn't have anything else planned. He loved the activity and had gone many times before. He couldn't explain why he was having that thought...but he had it. And when they had the first initial thoughts, they had no outcome wrapped up in their mind. They didn't necessarily SEE anything bad happening to him, they just had a "gut feeling" that he shouldn't go.
Now, to the other side of things, when you have a feeling about something and you start to get emotional (i.e. fearful, angry, jealous, sad, etc.), in my opinion, that is not a true intuition. Usually with these emotions comes a certain outcome that you can foresee happening (usually you don't want it to). The most important thing to remember about a fear based thought is that it almost always comes from a memory. What that means, is the only reason you feel fear or another emotion about it is that your subconscious or conscious is remembering something from your past--some kind of experience that you didn't enjoy. So, in summary about the fear based thought. Again, in my opinion, it is not a true intuition if you are remembering something from the past, are tied to an outcome or can visualize it, and if you have strong emotions about it.
A good example of this is a story I heard in my research about a woman who was very upset about her daughter going to a birthday party. There were six girls who were going to go out to all these different activities in their local area. There was supposed to be a storm that night and she was greatly worried about her daughter getting lost and the chaperoning parents not keeping her safe as well as the daughter getting in a car wreck because of a storm that was supposed to hit that night.
Now, some might call this "mother's intuition" (which by the way, I do believe in) but in my opinion, this was just fear. I have experienced this fear before and it gets stronger when it is someone that you are close to or have an innate sense to protect. More than likely, her thoughts were all based in memories or experiences that have happened to her or to others (i.e. stories of car accidents, or children getting abducted or lost). Because she was so emotional about this and also so wrapped up in the specific outcomes, I don't believe this was actually intuition.
The real reason I wanted to know about this is because too often I believe we are told to trust our gut but I wanted to clarify how accurate that gut really is and honestly, when I should or shouldn't trust it. If you gut is telling you something but it is based out being afraid of something that MIGHT happen and you are overcome with anxiety and strong emotions, I don't know if that is something you should necessarily trust. It isn't something to be ignored by any means either. I just believe that that kind of feeling should let you know that you have some old memories that need some healing and resolve. Once those old issues are healed, that scenario based fear will leave. However, if you are at peace and aren't tied to any outcome, you are just being in the moment and you receive an intuition, I strongly believe you should follow it with everything you have. I believe that is something bigger letting you know of what to be careful of OR what to chase for your happiness. I should clarify that MANY intuitions are about great and wonderful things waiting for us in our life as well.
The main thing that I have been wondering about it how much you can trust your intuition when there is fear involved. I have had several conversations and researched this and what I have come to find out is that most believe that fear and intuition are two separate things.
True intuition comes from a place of peace. There is no emotion wrapped up in the initial thought. Afterward--maybe. But in the moment, it is a thought that hits you (sometimes out of nowhere) and has no real logic to it. You can't really say where it came from and you aren't wrapped up in its outcome. You just have a feeling. That is it.
A good example I heard from a friend was about the time he broke his neck. He loved to go tubing and was what you might call an "avid" snow sledder. In fact, he often went with his friends tubing and such and loved it. One afternoon his friends asked him to go and as soon as the question was asked, he thought he shouldn't go. No reason to it, just instantly felt that way. But he didn't want to tell them no, so he agreed. Later on, he met his girlfriend for lunch and she mentioned to him that she didn't think he should go. She had no reason either, just thought he shouldn't. He ignored both intuitions and decided to go anyway. Even when he got there, he decided to just watch and not participate. He even had envisioned going down the hill on a tube and crashing into a snow bank head first. He thought that vision was silly but still hadn't gone down the hill. Finally, at the end of their time there, one of his friends talked him to going just once before he went home so his trip wasn't a waste. He conceded and decided to do just one trip. You guessed it...he went head first into a snow bank and broke his neck.
Now, he healed from that trip and is fine today but I believe that is a story of true intuition. He had absolutely no reason or no emotion wrapped up in not going. He wasn't mad at the friends that were inviting him. He didn't have anything else planned. He loved the activity and had gone many times before. He couldn't explain why he was having that thought...but he had it. And when they had the first initial thoughts, they had no outcome wrapped up in their mind. They didn't necessarily SEE anything bad happening to him, they just had a "gut feeling" that he shouldn't go.
Now, to the other side of things, when you have a feeling about something and you start to get emotional (i.e. fearful, angry, jealous, sad, etc.), in my opinion, that is not a true intuition. Usually with these emotions comes a certain outcome that you can foresee happening (usually you don't want it to). The most important thing to remember about a fear based thought is that it almost always comes from a memory. What that means, is the only reason you feel fear or another emotion about it is that your subconscious or conscious is remembering something from your past--some kind of experience that you didn't enjoy. So, in summary about the fear based thought. Again, in my opinion, it is not a true intuition if you are remembering something from the past, are tied to an outcome or can visualize it, and if you have strong emotions about it.
A good example of this is a story I heard in my research about a woman who was very upset about her daughter going to a birthday party. There were six girls who were going to go out to all these different activities in their local area. There was supposed to be a storm that night and she was greatly worried about her daughter getting lost and the chaperoning parents not keeping her safe as well as the daughter getting in a car wreck because of a storm that was supposed to hit that night.
Now, some might call this "mother's intuition" (which by the way, I do believe in) but in my opinion, this was just fear. I have experienced this fear before and it gets stronger when it is someone that you are close to or have an innate sense to protect. More than likely, her thoughts were all based in memories or experiences that have happened to her or to others (i.e. stories of car accidents, or children getting abducted or lost). Because she was so emotional about this and also so wrapped up in the specific outcomes, I don't believe this was actually intuition.
The real reason I wanted to know about this is because too often I believe we are told to trust our gut but I wanted to clarify how accurate that gut really is and honestly, when I should or shouldn't trust it. If you gut is telling you something but it is based out being afraid of something that MIGHT happen and you are overcome with anxiety and strong emotions, I don't know if that is something you should necessarily trust. It isn't something to be ignored by any means either. I just believe that that kind of feeling should let you know that you have some old memories that need some healing and resolve. Once those old issues are healed, that scenario based fear will leave. However, if you are at peace and aren't tied to any outcome, you are just being in the moment and you receive an intuition, I strongly believe you should follow it with everything you have. I believe that is something bigger letting you know of what to be careful of OR what to chase for your happiness. I should clarify that MANY intuitions are about great and wonderful things waiting for us in our life as well.
Attraction Techniques (LOA) (Originally posted 2/19/09)
I have read a lot on the Laws of Attraction (even recently) and here is what a summary of what I know is.
The Law of Attraction basically says that whatever you think about is what you will get in your life. The “universe” or “God” or whatever you call it will comply with your thoughts…whether they are bad or good.
If you have the continual thought of “I don’t want to be sad anymore” , you will continue to “attract” things in your life to make you sad. EVEN though you say you DON’T want to…that doesn’t matter. What the law hears is your thoughts and your feelings and they are wrapped completely around sadness.
Here are some bullets of how to make the law of attraction work for you.
• Whatever you focus on, you will get. Even if you don’t want it. So, focus on the positive. Put all your focus on it. If you want to stop eating junk food….start focusing your mind on HEALTHY food. Focusing on “stopping” anything just keeps your actual mind and focus on the bad part of it and you will continue to attract things that you are focusing on.
• Visualize your outcome. Put yourself in the place of already having it. Keep that in your mind.
• Feel everything! You can’t just “think” positive, you have to actually feel it. FEEL like you already have the life you want and it will come to you.
• Let go of any attachment to what you want. This is a hard one but basically the things you HAVE to have or you are “attached” to are the ones that you have fear wrapped around. When it is a WANT or a NEED, then you are focusing on the fact that you don’t have it. You will just bring more of NOT having it into your life. You almost have to be playful or light about it. You have to be okay with your life the way it is and in that look at the things that you might want.
• State your intention or thing that you would like to have and then let it go. You really have to firmly trust that it is going to come. It is all about faith. When you do this, you give your subconscious a chance to start attracting it to you.
• Follow your intuition. As I have stated before, intuition can only be trusted when it is NOT based in fear. Therefore, if you get a weird nudge to do something, check a website, call someone….DO IT! That is the universe guiding you to what you want. If you get that same nudge but you can feel the fear behind it, that will lead the opposite way. Do NOT follow fear, it will only attract more and give you no peace in the end.
• Put aside doubt and just trust that you are doing the right thing. Build your confidence and follow your gut.
• Make things fun! The more joy and fun you have in your life ESPECIALLY surrounding your intention or wish for life…the easier and faster it will come to you. Thus, again…keeping the fear and pain and struggle out of it. I also read that a good way to lose fear about something is to find a way to laugh about it. Even exaggerate it SO much that it becomes almost laughable. One of the ones I use this on is when I am scared of being late. I can get myself pretty worked up at what the consequences might be. So, I imagine everyone bawling their eyes out and screaming at me at the top of their lungs that their world just can’t go on without me if I don’t show up on time for whatever….then I start laughing. Funny how we really think the world revolves around us! HA!
• “When you put too much need on a goal or intention, you actually push it away. Your desperation sends out a signal that “I don’t believe this is real” or “I might lose this if I don’t get it fast” and so forth. That unconscious signal is what the world responds to. It gums up the attraction process. It’s fear based. “ This one is from the words of Joe Vitale (expert on Laws of Attraction) It is more of the same from the bullets above.
• Realize that everything that keeps you from getting what you want is IN YOU. If you are having trouble with something, find out what your fear is and do everything you can to heal it and release it because IT is what is keeping you from what you want. Plain and simple. You attract everything to you to teach you the lessons in life that you haven’t learned yet. If you were without fear or angst on everything, you wouldn’t have anything to learn. When you are really at peace with what you want…REALLY at will get it or something even better at amazing speeds.
• This one is from Joe Vitale too….but I love the way he words it. Read it a couple of times. “The meaning that you give to an event is the belief that attracted it.”
So, there is a summary of my thoughts on Law of Attraction and how I try to use it. I have learned so much about it and have so many more thoughts in my head but that is a pretty good summary for now.
The Law of Attraction basically says that whatever you think about is what you will get in your life. The “universe” or “God” or whatever you call it will comply with your thoughts…whether they are bad or good.
If you have the continual thought of “I don’t want to be sad anymore” , you will continue to “attract” things in your life to make you sad. EVEN though you say you DON’T want to…that doesn’t matter. What the law hears is your thoughts and your feelings and they are wrapped completely around sadness.
Here are some bullets of how to make the law of attraction work for you.
• Whatever you focus on, you will get. Even if you don’t want it. So, focus on the positive. Put all your focus on it. If you want to stop eating junk food….start focusing your mind on HEALTHY food. Focusing on “stopping” anything just keeps your actual mind and focus on the bad part of it and you will continue to attract things that you are focusing on.
• Visualize your outcome. Put yourself in the place of already having it. Keep that in your mind.
• Feel everything! You can’t just “think” positive, you have to actually feel it. FEEL like you already have the life you want and it will come to you.
• Let go of any attachment to what you want. This is a hard one but basically the things you HAVE to have or you are “attached” to are the ones that you have fear wrapped around. When it is a WANT or a NEED, then you are focusing on the fact that you don’t have it. You will just bring more of NOT having it into your life. You almost have to be playful or light about it. You have to be okay with your life the way it is and in that look at the things that you might want.
• State your intention or thing that you would like to have and then let it go. You really have to firmly trust that it is going to come. It is all about faith. When you do this, you give your subconscious a chance to start attracting it to you.
• Follow your intuition. As I have stated before, intuition can only be trusted when it is NOT based in fear. Therefore, if you get a weird nudge to do something, check a website, call someone….DO IT! That is the universe guiding you to what you want. If you get that same nudge but you can feel the fear behind it, that will lead the opposite way. Do NOT follow fear, it will only attract more and give you no peace in the end.
• Put aside doubt and just trust that you are doing the right thing. Build your confidence and follow your gut.
• Make things fun! The more joy and fun you have in your life ESPECIALLY surrounding your intention or wish for life…the easier and faster it will come to you. Thus, again…keeping the fear and pain and struggle out of it. I also read that a good way to lose fear about something is to find a way to laugh about it. Even exaggerate it SO much that it becomes almost laughable. One of the ones I use this on is when I am scared of being late. I can get myself pretty worked up at what the consequences might be. So, I imagine everyone bawling their eyes out and screaming at me at the top of their lungs that their world just can’t go on without me if I don’t show up on time for whatever….then I start laughing. Funny how we really think the world revolves around us! HA!
• “When you put too much need on a goal or intention, you actually push it away. Your desperation sends out a signal that “I don’t believe this is real” or “I might lose this if I don’t get it fast” and so forth. That unconscious signal is what the world responds to. It gums up the attraction process. It’s fear based. “ This one is from the words of Joe Vitale (expert on Laws of Attraction) It is more of the same from the bullets above.
• Realize that everything that keeps you from getting what you want is IN YOU. If you are having trouble with something, find out what your fear is and do everything you can to heal it and release it because IT is what is keeping you from what you want. Plain and simple. You attract everything to you to teach you the lessons in life that you haven’t learned yet. If you were without fear or angst on everything, you wouldn’t have anything to learn. When you are really at peace with what you want…REALLY at will get it or something even better at amazing speeds.
• This one is from Joe Vitale too….but I love the way he words it. Read it a couple of times. “The meaning that you give to an event is the belief that attracted it.”
So, there is a summary of my thoughts on Law of Attraction and how I try to use it. I have learned so much about it and have so many more thoughts in my head but that is a pretty good summary for now.
Friday, March 26, 2010
MIRRORS (Originally posted 2/17/09)
I have always heard and believed that people are put in your life for a reason. Yet, in the recent weeks, I have come to understand this on a deeper level.
I have begun to believe that as you attract everything and situation in your life, you actually attract people as well. The people that you enjoy and even the people that can frustrate you. I have seriously noticed in the past as I have been struggling or wrestling with something, a person seems to appear in my life that either has the same problem or has some insight that I never would have guessed. They are like a wonderful present to me.
In fact, I have always believed that if someone upsets you, you should take a hard look at yourself because they are actually a mirror for your faults. A large percentage of the time, if you can step back and analyze what is frustrating you about another person, you can usually see that trait in yourself. That is why it is so quick to upset you because your soul recognizes a form of it in you. However unhelpful that fact MAY seem, it is actually one of the most amazing benefits to us. That is why I believe they are there for a reason. Not to make it hard to be around them, but to show us what we have left to learn.
If we can realize that ALL people have something to teach us, all have some "gift" to give us, we would be able to heal a lot of our own problems. The neat thing about that is when you change yourself, they become people that you enjoy to be around because that trait no longer frustrates you once you fix it in yourself. Interesting…Huh?
When we have healed all of our limiting beliefs and fear in ourselves, we have nothing but love left to give. So, the folks in our lives that have hurt us or been "roadblocks" in our past are now the "mirrors" that are there to teach us to love ourselves…fully.

I have begun to believe that as you attract everything and situation in your life, you actually attract people as well. The people that you enjoy and even the people that can frustrate you. I have seriously noticed in the past as I have been struggling or wrestling with something, a person seems to appear in my life that either has the same problem or has some insight that I never would have guessed. They are like a wonderful present to me.
In fact, I have always believed that if someone upsets you, you should take a hard look at yourself because they are actually a mirror for your faults. A large percentage of the time, if you can step back and analyze what is frustrating you about another person, you can usually see that trait in yourself. That is why it is so quick to upset you because your soul recognizes a form of it in you. However unhelpful that fact MAY seem, it is actually one of the most amazing benefits to us. That is why I believe they are there for a reason. Not to make it hard to be around them, but to show us what we have left to learn.
If we can realize that ALL people have something to teach us, all have some "gift" to give us, we would be able to heal a lot of our own problems. The neat thing about that is when you change yourself, they become people that you enjoy to be around because that trait no longer frustrates you once you fix it in yourself. Interesting…Huh?
When we have healed all of our limiting beliefs and fear in ourselves, we have nothing but love left to give. So, the folks in our lives that have hurt us or been "roadblocks" in our past are now the "mirrors" that are there to teach us to love ourselves…fully.

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