Sunday, March 28, 2010

Attraction Techniques (LOA) (Originally posted 2/19/09)

I have read a lot on the Laws of Attraction (even recently) and here is what a summary of what I know is.

The Law of Attraction basically says that whatever you think about is what you will get in your life. The “universe” or “God” or whatever you call it will comply with your thoughts…whether they are bad or good.
If you have the continual thought of “I don’t want to be sad anymore” , you will continue to “attract” things in your life to make you sad. EVEN though you say you DON’T want to…that doesn’t matter. What the law hears is your thoughts and your feelings and they are wrapped completely around sadness.

Here are some bullets of how to make the law of attraction work for you.

• Whatever you focus on, you will get. Even if you don’t want it. So, focus on the positive. Put all your focus on it. If you want to stop eating junk food….start focusing your mind on HEALTHY food. Focusing on “stopping” anything just keeps your actual mind and focus on the bad part of it and you will continue to attract things that you are focusing on.
• Visualize your outcome. Put yourself in the place of already having it. Keep that in your mind.
• Feel everything! You can’t just “think” positive, you have to actually feel it. FEEL like you already have the life you want and it will come to you.
• Let go of any attachment to what you want. This is a hard one but basically the things you HAVE to have or you are “attached” to are the ones that you have fear wrapped around. When it is a WANT or a NEED, then you are focusing on the fact that you don’t have it. You will just bring more of NOT having it into your life. You almost have to be playful or light about it. You have to be okay with your life the way it is and in that look at the things that you might want.
• State your intention or thing that you would like to have and then let it go. You really have to firmly trust that it is going to come. It is all about faith. When you do this, you give your subconscious a chance to start attracting it to you.
• Follow your intuition. As I have stated before, intuition can only be trusted when it is NOT based in fear. Therefore, if you get a weird nudge to do something, check a website, call someone….DO IT! That is the universe guiding you to what you want. If you get that same nudge but you can feel the fear behind it, that will lead the opposite way. Do NOT follow fear, it will only attract more and give you no peace in the end.
• Put aside doubt and just trust that you are doing the right thing. Build your confidence and follow your gut.
• Make things fun! The more joy and fun you have in your life ESPECIALLY surrounding your intention or wish for life…the easier and faster it will come to you. Thus, again…keeping the fear and pain and struggle out of it. I also read that a good way to lose fear about something is to find a way to laugh about it. Even exaggerate it SO much that it becomes almost laughable. One of the ones I use this on is when I am scared of being late. I can get myself pretty worked up at what the consequences might be. So, I imagine everyone bawling their eyes out and screaming at me at the top of their lungs that their world just can’t go on without me if I don’t show up on time for whatever….then I start laughing. Funny how we really think the world revolves around us! HA!
• “When you put too much need on a goal or intention, you actually push it away. Your desperation sends out a signal that “I don’t believe this is real” or “I might lose this if I don’t get it fast” and so forth. That unconscious signal is what the world responds to. It gums up the attraction process. It’s fear based. “ This one is from the words of Joe Vitale (expert on Laws of Attraction) It is more of the same from the bullets above.
• Realize that everything that keeps you from getting what you want is IN YOU. If you are having trouble with something, find out what your fear is and do everything you can to heal it and release it because IT is what is keeping you from what you want. Plain and simple. You attract everything to you to teach you the lessons in life that you haven’t learned yet. If you were without fear or angst on everything, you wouldn’t have anything to learn. When you are really at peace with what you want…REALLY at will get it or something even better at amazing speeds.
• This one is from Joe Vitale too….but I love the way he words it. Read it a couple of times. “The meaning that you give to an event is the belief that attracted it.”

So, there is a summary of my thoughts on Law of Attraction and how I try to use it. I have learned so much about it and have so many more thoughts in my head but that is a pretty good summary for now.

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