Friday, March 26, 2010

MIRRORS (Originally posted 2/17/09)

I have always heard and believed that people are put in your life for a reason. Yet, in the recent weeks, I have come to understand this on a deeper level.

I have begun to believe that as you attract everything and situation in your life, you actually attract people as well. The people that you enjoy and even the people that can frustrate you. I have seriously noticed in the past as I have been struggling or wrestling with something, a person seems to appear in my life that either has the same problem or has some insight that I never would have guessed. They are like a wonderful present to me.

In fact, I have always believed that if someone upsets you, you should take a hard look at yourself because they are actually a mirror for your faults. A large percentage of the time, if you can step back and analyze what is frustrating you about another person, you can usually see that trait in yourself. That is why it is so quick to upset you because your soul recognizes a form of it in you. However unhelpful that fact MAY seem, it is actually one of the most amazing benefits to us. That is why I believe they are there for a reason. Not to make it hard to be around them, but to show us what we have left to learn.

If we can realize that ALL people have something to teach us, all have some "gift" to give us, we would be able to heal a lot of our own problems. The neat thing about that is when you change yourself, they become people that you enjoy to be around because that trait no longer frustrates you once you fix it in yourself. Interesting…Huh?

When we have healed all of our limiting beliefs and fear in ourselves, we have nothing but love left to give. So, the folks in our lives that have hurt us or been "roadblocks" in our past are now the "mirrors" that are there to teach us to love ourselves…fully.

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