Friday, September 9, 2011

If I Could Give a Gift to the World...

A truth that has been glaringly pointed out to me by the universe lately is that you cannot stop hate with hate.   Last night, I realized how amazing yet, simple of a point this is as I tried to explain it to my 6 year old.  
It is a fact that fighting fire with fire can only create more of that same pain for you and for anyone you interact with.

Think of your life and all the experiences you have had.   Now, look back and see if you can find an example where you fought back and it actually extinguished the problem or the original pain.   I have tried this and I can't find one single example.   Every time I have reacted to my fear with retaliation, the situation has ALWAYS become worse.  

I want to say that I accept the world just as it is.   I want to accept it especially because when I don't, I hurt.   When I focus on the pain of it all, I actually see a vision of the world that is most likely a lot worse that it really is.   

However, I can't lie....If I could give one single gift to every person in the world, it would be the understanding and knowledge that you can NOT stop something "negative" from happening by pointing it out, complaining about it, condemning it, or PUSHING against it.  Every bit of negative energy we put into something that we see and don't like actually makes it stronger.   

So, what do we do then?   What do we do when we see something that is the OPPOSITE of what we want?
LOVE it.   Choose to LOVE it.   

You don't even have to go into your heart and choose love because it is the "right" thing to do.  Go there because it feels good.  Go there because it is the real you.  The true you is the one that forgives, understands, sees the big picture, loves the unlovable.  Not for their sake, but for YOURS.   

And finally, choose love because it is the ONLY thing that can diffuse the pain anyway!  Love is the only thing that works and it is the only thing that has any power to change something.  

Because I believe that every bit of pain we feel or conflict we see is actually a projection of ourselves, this gift that I want to give to the world...well, it is really the picture I hold for me. That I may see each and every thing with love...that I can see it in all that I interact with.

Love and light to you all... 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The "Unstoppable" Negative Thought

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results.”   ~Willie Nelson

Photo Credit:

Did you know that you can NOT stop negative thoughts?  There is no way to do it.  In fact, have you noticed the more focus you put on stopping them, the more of them you get?  Kind of a vicious cycle...:)

So, what is the trick?  REPLACE them.  Just deliberately replace them with thoughts filled with relief.  You don't even have to be positive if that is too far from where you currently are.  Just talk yourself into a better place than the place you were before.

Think about this for a second.   If you are cold, you don't try to figure out how to get the cold off of you or out of your body.   You grab a blanket, you make yourself a hot drink, you turn up the thermostat...


It is the exact same thing with your thoughts.   How empowering is that?!?

Something even cooler?  It doesn't take but a minute (literally) to get you moving in the other direction.  You can turn ANYTHING around in your head.   The "warmth" you are purposefully adding to your thoughts is SO much more powerful than what you are replacing.  

Try it!  

COMMENT below on your experiences with this.

Let's call them your "blanket stories"!  

I would love to know how it has worked for you!  

Monday, August 8, 2011

A Spider Lesson

A spider caught my eye this morning.  He was gracefully dropping from the ceiling on a strand of his web in my garage.   Slowly letting himself down, inch by inch and then in one quick and smooth movement dropped himself all the way to the concrete floor.   I said out loud "I wish I knew how you did that."  I was amazed at his skill alone.   Then he sat for a moment, almost determining his next mission, his next desire.  

Photo Credit:

In almost a flash, he started to move.  His initial landing was near an intersection of four concrete pieces.  There were grooves that, while don't seem like much to this size 8 1/2 shoe, to him were probably huge valleys of the unknown.   He was quick and nimble.   For such a small little guy, he seemed to have the speed of lightening.  

As I watched, he raced off on his course and instantly encountered the first "valley" and fell right in.  He was moving so fast, it appeared to startle him to be off his original course.   He stopped for a moment and then came right back up out of the valley and raced off again.  Wham, another valley.  Once again, he stopped at the bottom, reevaluating what had now happened for the second time to his targeted mission.   Nothing changed though, he sped right out of the vast crevice and headed right toward the third valley.  

In amusement, I thought..."Here we go again."  I was sure it would be the same thing I had watched before.  However this time, when his speedily little body got to the point where the pavement started to curve into the valley, he stopped himself before falling down it.   He had learned.  By his senses alone, that he was headed somewhere that he didn't want to be and somewhere that might take a bit more work than he wanted to get out of.  

He just stopped there on the slope, looked down (and around) with his eight simple eyes and started off again, this time in a different direction, away from the four corners of the concrete.   He ran some more and then paused for a moment and then he was gone.   I was no longer privy to his life adventures today.

While this story may seem small and unimportant to some, to him, it was his world.   His world of unexpected turns and obstacles.  His world of learning merely from how things feel.  There was no one to give him advice.  No one to show him a map before he landed on the ground.  No one to coach him along the way (although, I did try...I think he tuned me out...:).    He was just focused on what he wanted to do, on his search and his mission and he just simply adapted as he went.   Who knows the amount of data that went through his mind as he seemingly failed the first two times.   He didn't stop to lament.  There wasn't a tiny spider tear shed.   He just would pause, contemplate what had happened and then he would realign with his mission.  

I was amazed at his speed every time he started again as well.  He didn't slow down and he didn't change his direction completely.  He just adjusted to the feedback he was given and tried again.  
I am thankful for my little friend this morning.  I am appreciative of the quick, yet poignant lesson he taught me about perseverance.   And perseverance not from the usual spite or pain or "I am going to prove them all wrong" mentality.  Just sheer focus on what he wanted of this moment in his life and following what he felt until he accomplished it.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Some days...

When it all seems too much.  When nothing makes sense...when there isn't a solution in sight.

Some days, the only thing that makes sense...
is that you just gotta dance...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Baby Steps...

Photo Credit:

"A baby would never learn how to walk if he gave up after his first fall."  ~Louise Haye, "You Can Heal Your Life"   (By the way, Louise's book is a game changer.  I HIGHLY recommend it if you haven't read it yet.  Mine goes with me about every place I go.)

I am continually amazed as I watch my little Iain growing up.  I sit in amazement as he learns how to crawl, pull himself up on things and not long from now, walk.   He is so determined and focused on the task at hand.  He is so present.   He doesn't look at the other side of the room for things to move toward either.   The "must haves" that he wants are always right in front of him and so in the moment.   His current passions are anything that works something electronic.   He LOVES the XBox remote, the tv remote, our laptops and our phones.   I truly believe that kids come "cable ready" these days....straight out of the womb!  He also has no judgement of himself.  He just goes for what he wants and if it gets hidden from his sight (*snicker*) then he moves on to something else that he wants.   He barely even gets frustrated when he falls and doesn't make it to his destination.   He just keeps re-focusing and refining his approach.  It is truly a magnificent thing to watch!

Along those lines, I have noticed this great little quirk of mine lately.  Whenever I am feeling frustrated or down, I get this wild hair and I think..."Today is the day I become the new me!"    I write all these great goals and plans down, (I go to the bank like an adult!) and get myself all ready.   "Alright, Erin, today, you are going to incorporate every single one of the life changes that you need to make.  So far, you have 18 written down.   Sweet!   This ought to be easy!"    

I will give you three guesses on what happens (two of them don't count).  The next day I attempt to incorporate all my wonderful changes into my life.   For a couple of days, I even get a number of them completed but undoubtedly, life comes waltzing by and cuts right in on my wonderful dance of perfection that I had planned for myself.  

Then comes even more "self-chatter".    "What happened?   Why didn't you stick with it?  You must not want to be happy.  You must not want to change badly enough.   Well, I guess you will just have to be what you are.  Maybe we will try again next month, then again, maybe not.   You aren't cut out for this."   And I truly feel worse than I did before I even started the plans.  

Sound familiar?  

So, how do you change your life?  How do you take all that awesome motivation and hone it a bit to really work--long term--for you?

Here are some tips I have gathered that will help you along the way.  

Realize that you are good enough RIGHT now
It truly is a wonderful thing to want to improve on yourself but the energy you hold and that surrounds your want to do this is what will make or break your "self improvement" experience.   Be watchful of making changes to yourself because you can't stand who you are in the moment.   You won't get very far.   Instead, make plans and develop habits when you are feeling great!   Sounds backwards, doesn't it?   I promise that you will get MUCH more bang for your buck if you do this one small thing.   The energy you hold when you make the changes will create success or failure.  If you are thinking about how messed up your life is or how much you need to be different, you will just get more of the same.  And it doesn't matter how cool your new planner or your "THE NEW ME" Excel spreadsheet is.  

Start small and take baby steps
This is no way you can change your whole life's habits in a week.  It isn't possible and trying to do so gets almost nothing accomplished.   Instead, start small.  VERY small.   Write all that you want down but then only take 1-3 items and slowly incorporate them into your life.  This is how you will start to see success and you will start to feel good about what you are doing.  Little by little, you will start to build what you want and see the fruits of your patience.

Allow yourself to make mistakes
Get it through your head that it is not going to go exactly like you have it on paper.   Tell yourself that in the beginning and you will feel much better when you do miss a day of exercise or you happen to slip up on one of your goals.   This is key to relieving yourself of the guilt.   My husband taught me this.   He told me..."Getting down on yourself when you slip up is the quickest way to NEVER reach your goal."      
Say to yourself...."I don't need to get this perfect.  I just need to stay focused on what I want.  I probably will miss a day.  But I do like this.  I do enjoy it and I would like to continue it when I can."  

Allow yourself to change your mind
I read an article once that really changed my thinking on this.  It said when you start a new habit, to give yourself a time frame of how long you are going to TRY it for.   That sounded ridiculous to me.  All my changes needed to be permanent.   But this really works!   
Tell yourself that you are going to try to incorporate your said habit for 30 days.  That is it.   At the end of the 30 days, you will reevaluate it and ask yourself if you LIKE it.   You will feel around for if it is working for you.   
This takes the stress off of feeling like you have to do anything.  You are just trying it out.  It may work, it may not.   It builds confidence and most importantly, empowerment.  Without that, you won't stick to much for long.   

Do what is good for you
Just because someone told you or you probably have convinced yourself that this goal is what you NEED to be doing...does not mean that is true.   Let me repeat that in a different way.  YOU MIGHT BE WRONG ABOUT THIS BEING A GOOD THING FOR YOU.   Crazy, isn't it?   This one was a huge ah-ha for me.
An example:   I used to LOVE doing a certain high intensity exercise DVD.  It worked me out great and I felt great after doing it.  I started doing it again recently and I noticed that it wasn't working for me.  My joints were taking a beating and I was feeling horrible after.   (this is even after I really gave it a good shot).   So, I looked again at what I wanted my outcome to be and I realized that my goal really had changed.  I didn't just want to lose weight anymore.  I wanted to get healthy, calm my mind, and tone my body.   This old DVD wasn't going to do all fact, it was stressing my body out so much, I think I was going the wrong direction.  

Be the one you want to make proud
I have really just started to get this but when I did, a whole new world opened up for me.   The power in making yourself proud is so amazing and motivating in itself.   As I let go of needing anyone else's approval, magic seems to happen.   I flow so freely and I get things done in lightning speed!   I hold on to things I want to do more because I know how happy it makes me.  There isn't any waiting or hoping for someone else to hand me my approval...I already have it!  

Basically, just trust yourself and make changes with love wrapped in your intentions and it will make all the difference in the world.  

I will leave you with this clip as a reminder...well, actually just to give you a laugh.  
I LOVE this show!  

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Be The Change...

Close your eyes for a moment.   Look at the people in your life that might be frustrating you right now.

How do you see them?
How do you see your nagging children that won't let you have a moment's peace?
How do you see that friend that you thought was there for you and hasn't been lately?
How do you see that neighbor that won't mow their lawn and their lovely dandelion seeds are floating over to your lawn each day?
How do you see your significant other that maybe didn't give you the attention you thought you were needing?
How do you see the lady at the grocery store that runs up and cuts in front of you to be first in line?

So, let's try this.   Look at the situation and those people once again but this time, just for a minute, try to get a glimpse of them as your inner self might see them.

How would you look at the "mistakes" they might make if you could only see them with love?  
How do they look when you take YOU or your own want for approval, love and respect out of the equation?
What might have been their motive?  Is there something going on in their life too?  Were they thinking of themselves (much like you)?

When we stop for a moment to put on a different pair of glasses to see the world, we end up seeing a different picture.   I am not saying that you have to condone anything.   But think for a minute what you are accomplishing by being frustrated or angry at these aggravations.   Not much, right?  Well, besides getting to feel lousy!

Let's look again at those frustrating situations...
Maybe you might see your children as truly loving the time they spend with you and possibly needing some guidance from you.
You might see that friend going through a particularly difficult time as well and possibly staying back because they just don't feel like they could be the friend that they wanted to be to you.
You might get a glimpse of the neighbor who is so frustrated with his job and bills that mowing his lawn might be the last thing he could think of or get motivated to do.
And there is your significant other who is needing love as much as you need it at the moment and just innocently missed your signal.
And that famous lady at the grocery store.   If you watch, she might run out to her car where her ill child is waiting for her and the medicine/food she ran in to get "real quick".

In my experience, there are always two sides to each story and if you start to purposely look for the good and start to deliberately focus those that "hurt" you in the most beautiful light possible, a change will come.   Your heart will heal and you would be surprised what might happen in theirs as well.

You must be the change that you want to see in the world.
~Mohandas Gandhi

Saturday, May 14, 2011

By all means, paint.

I love it when you get centered on what you want and the universe just delivers like there is no tomorrow. really is that easy.
Photo Credit:

A day or two ago, I read a blog post on Tiny Buddha by Cat Li Stevenson called "How to Let Go of Fear to Live Passionately and Authentically."  It gave a Gay Hendricks exercise that asks you to look at what 4 or 5 things do you truly want to say you accomplished as you lay on your deathbed.  I really took this serious as I could instantly see what a great way it was to do some awesome visualization for what you want.  A cardinal rule of creating your life deliberately is to visualize how you want things to be and ignore how they feel today in reality.  

So, I wrote quite a few things about what I wanted to be proud of.  The crucial component of this exercise is that it evoked so much feeling from me.  I could really see myself wanting to say I lived a life like this.   That I really did it...that I lived my life the way I wanted to.   My words were dripping with emotion and I felt SO high and happy after I did it, which is always an indication of aligning with who you really are.  I really did know what I wanted for my life.  Wow!

Now, this is the power of seeing your life as you want it...i.e. visualizing.  Within a couple of days, I have been utterly bombarded with the same message, same lesson, same answer basically from the universe.   It couldn't get any clearer...if I want to know how to get what I want, I need to just START.   Start now, stop waiting, stop planning, just start.   Begin...NOW.   Stop worrying about if I have done enough planning.  Stop worrying about it I have enough talent.  Stop telling myself that I might need more classes or schooling or money.  Stop worrying about old beliefs, stop reading more books on the subject, stop making schedules, stop writing lists of what I am going to do.  I have all the knowledge I need to have exactly what I want.  There is nothing stopping me.  STOP PLANNING MY LIFE and START TO LIVE IT.

Now, there is no mistaking what was said to me.  It was in every conversation I had.  EVERY one of them.   It was in every blog post or article I read.   ALL of them.  It was written all over everything.  I loved it.  I kept getting more and more information...and it just kept repeating the message I was supposed to (and did thankfully) hear.

One of the best quotes I "stumbled" upon was this...
“If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” ~ Vincent van Gogh

That hit me like a ton of bricks.   It is that simple.  Just do it!  Be the person you want to be.  Look any fear you have in the face and tell it (as my Grandma would say) to "Go eat dirt!"   There is nothing to fear but fear itself.   There is another good one!  Ha!

I feel invigorated.  I feel like something has clicked.  No more prep.  I am just going to live.   MAN, that feels great!!!!

Perfect video from "Newsies" that seems to sum it up nicely.
PS...I had a MAD crush on "Jack" back in the day.   Good lolly, he is just pretty!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Pinwheel Offering

Photo Credit:

I went with Lilli on her field trip this morning.  One of the things the children got to do was make pinwheels.   They colored them with markers and were beyond excited to play with them once they got outside.   Once the field trip was over, Lilli wanted to ride the big, cool bus back with her class so I drove to her school to pick her back up.  She came running across the playground with all the other kids, all holding their pinwheels, grinning from ear to ear.

As her and I started making our trek to the vehicle, she said she wanted to go to McDonalds instead of eating lunch at daycare.  I told her not today as sometimes we get to do that and sometimes we don't.  Today, I would take her to daycare and she could eat there.

She started to throw a fit and was pretty mad about it.   I tried to distract her by not responding to her anger and asked if I could see her pinwheel.  She folded her arms and said "NO, I am not going to let you see my pinwheel because I am mad at you."   This didn't seem to frustrated me too bad.  I, after all, had seen a few fits in my day and knew my little six year old was just frustrated at the circumstances.  It had nothing to do with me or so my logical mind thought.  But apparently, my subconscious was hurt or thought some sort of wrong had been done to me in some way.  Lilli actually got over her anger fairly quickly and was trying to catch up to me (for some reason, my pace had quickened) and said, "Here Mom, you can see my pinwheel now."   I calmly told her "No thank you, I am fine dear."  

She instantly felt the change in my energy.  So did I.  She started to throw a fit again and scream at the top of her lungs that she NOW wanted me to have this pinwheel!  "I am offering it to you, please take it from me!"  I kept my cool the entire time but kept telling her no and that it was okay.  My words and tone were kind and loving but for some reason, I was NOT going to take that pinwheel.  I remember thinking that she needs to learn a small lesson here.  She needs to know that she cannot throw a fit and be mean to others and expect them to just come running back.  Who is with me here?  Makes perfect sense...right?  I wasn't being the least bit mean to her.  I was even asking her other questions trying to distract her and lighten the mood a bit.  But again, I was not going to take that pinwheel.

Well, she dug her heels in and was basically broken hearted.  She was screaming and crying and could not understand why I wouldn't take her pinwheel...her offering of peace.  I took her to daycare, all the while, the saga still continued.  We got inside and she kept asking and asking for me to take it.  Why wouldn't I take it?   She and I were both wondering now.  I gave her a big hug and a kiss and told her to have a wonderful day and sent her off to play.  She was still very upset.

I drove away and my mind started to question what had just happened.  Although, I had kept my cool and thought I had done the right thing, I started to wonder why I felt so horrible.  I didn't cave in.   I was also very kind and didn't get into any kind of confrontation with her.  I didn't try to force her into anything.  I was strong.  I was teaching my daughter a valuable lesson in my mind.  So, why was my heart so heavy?

I started to rub one of my inspiration rocks (it just happen to be laying in my car) as I drove back home hit me.   I had just taught her that my love for her was conditional.   I had taught her that if she got mad at me or talked back or tried to hurt my feelings that I would, in turn, deny her love.  I would still be kind but I would not let her love me.  And then the tears started.   That was not what I wanted her to wonder I felt so bad.  I know deep within me that what she believes in her heart will be how she lives her life.  Conditional love would never be a belief I wanted her to carry with her.  More importantly, it wasn't a belief that I wanted to have anymore either.

So, I sat in my driveway, as I had made it home by now, and wondered what would make me feel better.  This turmoil was in me and this conflict between her and I, however small it may seem, came up for a was a gift...they are always gifts.  This beautiful reason was here now to show me that this isn't who I was anymore.  I had read a thousand books on the subject of unconditional love but this was probably the most "in your face" moment I ever had with it.  It was there, laying in my lap, wondering what I was going to do with it now.

I went inside the house and couldn't even make it up my stairs.  The voices in my head said that she was already playing and had more than likely forgotten about it already.  I could go on with my day and maybe talk to her about it later.  I, after all, had many things to do.  But luckily, my inner being (who is really getting quite strong) took over.   I didn't feel good inside and that always means my previous actions had taken me in a direction unlike who I really am.   I wanted to feel better.

When I arrived back at her daycare, just a short 5 minutes later, I walked outside to where indeed she was playing happily.  I looked at her and just waved.  She screamed "Mom!" and ran over to me and we sat on the back steps.  She jumped up on my lap and I asked her if I could look at her pinwheel.   She smiled and handed it right to me.  She said "I am sorry I hurt your feelings."  I said "You can't ever hurt my feelings, baby.  It was my choice to feel hurt.   I need you to know that I love you whether I am angry or not.  Whatever you do, I never stop loving you."   Then, she and I tried to make her somewhat  dilapidated paper pinwheel turn and giggled at its uncooperative nature for a few more minutes.  I gave her a great big hug and kiss again and felt a lightness this time that was more beautiful than words can express.   She jumped down and ran to play and have a picnic with her friends.   I drove away knowing that she had just healed a part of me that I have been trying to for more years than I can remember.   My appreciation of her in my life will always be beyond explanation.

And now, I think I am going to go buy myself a pinwheel! 
Photo Credit: Shutterstock 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Walk-In Closets

As a woman, I have always dreamed of a walk-in closet.  You know the ones that have built-in lighting and drawers that open with the push of a button and oh yes, the angels sing whenever you open the doors.   I recently obtained two fairly large closets in my new master bedroom and that alone was enough to send me into happy land for weeks.  

As I pondered reasons why it seems that a bigger closet is always on a woman’s wish list, I remembered the vast space it offers, all the choices and the ability to look at every single thing you own and pick the perfect thing that fits you just right.  My last closet was a bit small, to say the least.  My clothes were scrunched in so tight that they basically pressed themselves.    
Our closets are just like our minds to me.  Inside our heads, there is a full array of different colors, various lengths and numerous styles of thoughts to choose from.  Some thoughts we haven’t put on in 10 years and could probably send to an antique clothing shop.   Some we bought and stored away, never to be worn but the once.   Some are like our favorite, comfy pair of jeans-always there, beckoning for us to slip them on and chill out.  
Our minds can often be confusing and cluttered as well.   No order to speak of and in dire need of some sort of “cleaning out” session.   Because of the confusion, we often resort back to those same 5-6 thoughts that we are so used to.  Some times we will keep thinking them even though they don’t really fit anymore or they have a tear or hole in them.   We will hold them, almost obsessively, because we remember the moment we bought into them or the event we first thought them at.  

I suggest that we remember that in our minds there actually is that amazing and huge walk in closet that we always dreamed of.  It is already built right there in that beautiful little head of ours.    We can walk in, anytime and pick any single thought we want.  
Did I mention that we have an unlimited budget to spend any time we want on new thoughts?   We can select the absolute best, the most luxurious, and the finest made thoughts we could imagine to fill this closet of ours.   We can fill its racks and drawers up over and over again with whatever we choose.   
However, as curators of this magnificent closet, it is also our privilege to release and get rid of the old and tattered thoughts.  To pull them out, take a look and say goodbye forever.  
Take a moment today and see if there are any thoughts that you have been recycling for way too many years now.  See if you can set them in the throw-away pile.  While you are at it, go shopping for some brand-new, amazing ones.  I promise, people will notice the new look and so will you. 

Wishing you the courage to always challenge unhappiness,

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Beautiful Storms

Nature has a way of mimicking what we feel in life.  As we received some incremental weather last night, I thought of the similarities in how our emotions play out.   Often in our lives, we see an emotional storm brewing and we pray that it won't come.   We feel the winds of change start to race against the landscape and we feel like they could easily blow us over.   Often, we are even surprised by this emotional storm.  We may have been experiencing some great feeling weather just days before.   And as we start to feel the changes coming and start to get a sense of what might come to pass, we feel an old, familiar anxiety creep in.

Almost inevitably, the storm hits and sometimes, it hits hard.   What were once dry roads along our journey feel slippery with ice and snow now.   We knew it was coming and now that this new cold environment is here, it feels awkward in a way.  We have to use tools to sift through the snow to keep at our regular lives.  Nothing seems as easy or as familiar as what once was.

But this morning, I saw this storm in a completely different way.   I saw it's beauty, its absolute utter beauty.   Yes, it is colder and everything is frozen but maybe that old environment needed a fresh blanket of snow, full of sparkles and grandeur.  

As I stared at the trees in my backyard and saw the inches of precipitation stacked on their branches, I felt a quiet peace come over me knowing that this storm had not truly ruined my backyard.  If anything, it enhanced its beauty.  Such is the storms of our lives.   Our negative anticipation and our anxiety filled shock are always worse than what actually happens.   We always make it through and afterward, we have a beautiful scene to behold.  

So, my remembering today is about enjoying my emotional storms in their entirety.   Enjoying the build up, not listening to others who are dreading theirs, watching the beauty in each moment as it comes, realizing that it is never as bad as I could make it with my thoughts, and most important, realizing that the relief is coming.   In fact, it is already here if I stay present with what I am in.  

Friday, January 28, 2011

Poof! It's Gone!

In the past month or so, I have been holding a question, a "problem".  
"Why is it that after I deliberately manifest something I want and start to celebrate it and more importantly start to share my good news with others that I care about, does my manifestation basically disappear or eliminate itself?" 
This was truly troubling me.   After all, I followed all the rules of Laws of Attraction.   I would get very clear on what I wanted, I would focus upon it, I would feel happy, move downstream and allow it to its fullest.  If I got stuck on a particular bad feeling that I knew I didn't want to focus on,  I would use the tools that I know and love (EFT, The Work, visualization) to release those deep, old negative beliefs and sure enough, every single time, my manifestation would come.  
So, I should be ecstatic right?   Well, I was.  I was so excited.  I would start to live mentally in this new reality that I created.  Still not seeing a problem in my methods?  Me either. manifestations started to disappear! 

Some examples of this recently include buying a house and also losing weight for me.   The house thing was interesting because we have been looking for a long time but after Iain was born, we started getting serious.   We needed more room...STAT.  We had gone back and forth in possibly buying the house we rent right now and finally decided for real that we wanted to purchase somewhere else.   We needed something else.   So, off on the hunt we went.  We searched and searched and there have been times of stress for sure.  I got a bit “sideways of it” as Abraham would put it.   Like I mentioned, I really got centered, released my heart out on some old beliefs and focused back on feeling good and...poof...there appeared a perfect house for us.  It was exactly what we wanted and needed and was an amazing, almost unbelievable price.   Right neighborhood, right layout, right everything.   We were so pumped.   We got the ball rolling and we were a couple weeks from closing.  I finally believed it (this is an important statement here for what comes about) and decided to tell everyone.  I mean, everyone!   I asked for moving boxes on FaceBook, we called our parents, I told all my friends, I sent links and pictures of the house to so many and anyone that wanted to hear about it...well, I told them all about it and if they wanted to...I would drive them by the house!   We even told Lilli which was a biggie because she has been wanting a new house as much as we have.   Side note:  Lilli didn't believe us.  She thought we were teasing her.  Kids are smart that way.  :) 
Then, out of the blue, the realtor comes and tells us the seller doesn't want to sell his house anymore and we can sue the seller if we want to but he doesn't have any money anyway.   What?   Ah, guess we will stop packing now? 
The other example was starting a new diet.   I found this awesome eating plan that really seemed to work for me.  In fact, I "stumbled" upon it after wanting to manifest a way to get fit that fit with my schedule and would work semi-quickly but not take up a lot of focus.   With a new baby and trying to keep everything else going, I didn't want to have to eat 6 times a day in a certain way.  I found an amazing plan (The Warrior Diet) that is truly healthy for you whether you lose weight or not.  So, guess what I did.   I told everyone about it!   I made sure people knew that I was working out and that I was eating right and that I was losing weight.  It felt so good to share it with people and get their feedback.   And sure enough, about a week into telling people about it...poof....I suddenly stopped eating the way this plan was asking.  Why?   I don't really know.  It was working...really well actually.  I felt great, I had more energy,  and it wasn't at all difficult to follow.  In fact, I actually liked the days better when I was on it.   So, why all of a sudden was I leaving it by the wayside?
So, what exactly was going on?   Well, I had recently learned that as long as you hold the question in your heart, you can never have the answer.  Only one can exist.  So, I dropped this question and decided to just focus on being happy.  Then...poof...guess what?  It hit me!   Now, follow me here.  
The fact of the matter is that I never truly believed that the house would be mine.   I never truly believed that I already got healthy and lost the weight that I wanted to.   If I already knew these things, I wouldn't need others approval.  Needing that approval and validation meant that I needed someone to agree with me that what I wanted and supposedly had was indeed true.   This is key.   The energy I was putting out was that I didn't really have the house until everyone else saw it.  Until they were excited for me.  Until I was validated by them.   I wasn't really losing weight until I told everyone else and they told me it was true and told me that I looked better than before.   In addition, since everything is a projection, that meant that I couldn't have what I want until I got approval and validation from myself.   That I didn’t believe that I was safe and beautiful just the way I was in my old house and old figure.   
What I love about the Laws of Attraction is that they are very clear in such a basic form.  You get what you focus on.  That is it.   My focus turned from knowing that I had the house and was eating right to pretty much doubting it.   I was focusing on getting others to know it which HAD to mean that I didn't know it.  You don't need approval for something that you don't have any doubt in.   I will type that again.  You don't seek approval or validation of something that you already have confidence in.  Period.   So, I was focusing on a lack.  A lack of confidence that I was okay without dieting, that I was okay if I stayed in this cute little rental house forever.   I didn't believe that it was okay to stay where I was.  So, I was putting out the energy that my happiness would be found in a new house and a new looking me.  The old version wasn't good enough. focus came true.  The house fell through and I wasn't following this great eating plan anymore.  
Have you ever noticed that someone that truly has peace inside doesn't really talk that much?   They don't seem to need to tell their story to everyone.  They always seem to do a LOT of listening.  If you ask them about something, they will tell you with a smile, but they don't seem to care if you approve of it or not and it is never the first thing they lead with in a conversation.   I love being around those people. 
So, was all this my fault then?  Nope...finding blame in anyone or anything is counter-productive for me.   These disappearing manifestations were a gift.  There were nothing less than a wonderful way to remember who I am.  Someone who already knows how amazing she is, who already knows that I could live in a cardboard box and be happy.   I have always said that I could be happy anywhere and now I understand that in a much deeper way.  
The coolest thing is when you really start to notice that there is nothing really happening in your life except ways to remember who you are.  To remember that you are already perfect.  You aren’t here to “learn” anything.  You already know it.  You are love, you are safe.  You are nothing less than love.  And any time you feel anything less than that, you are moving in the wrong direction.   You don’t have to learn it.  You ARE it.  You just get all these wonderful chances to remember it.   How cool it that?
Well, where do I go from here?   Can I still share my news with others when something that I want comes?  Of course!   I just won't make anyone's approval of it be the deciding factor of if I am happy with it.   Can I still be happy when a manifestation appears?  Of course!   That is the absolute fun part!   The key is simply knowing that whatever you wanted wasn't the thing that made you happy in the first place.  YOU made YOU happy and then the "thing" came to you.  The fact that I feel good is enough and true and SO amazing.   The manifestation is just the icing on the cake!  And it is yum-my!